Madison | Lake Mary Senior Photos

There’s an awful lot of “lasts” as a high school senior. It can be a very emotional time as you start to realize you may have your last football game, pep rally, or classroom experience…the last time on the soccer field or basketball court, the last hugs from classmates before graduation. Looking back on and treasuring those memories is just one of the reasons why making time for a senior session amidst a busy schedule is so crucial! Those “lasts” will be giving way to “firsts” as you leave home or head to college, and you’ll be able to always remember this window of time, the in-between, forever. Madison shared, “I chose you as my senior photographer because I knew I could make awesome memories, and also remember my final moments as a high school student.” It’s been a really rich experience in her four years at Lake Mary High School, one which she filled with things like speech and debate team, the National Honor Society, and the National Forensic League. She loves being part of the Quill and Scroll club, and cites literature as her very favorite subject. In addition, she played roles as the secretary of the NHS, and spent lots of time volunteering for the Orlando Repertory Theatre. Lastly, her hobbies include listening to music and making new playlists for all her friends, and finding the newest and best coffee shops here in Florida! 

“As I wrap up high school, I would have to say my favorite memory so far would be going to homecoming with my friends, and celebrating afterwards,” she added, “I learned a lot of important lessons in school, but the most important one has been that I am very driven to succeed, and I have found that when I push myself, I can always achieve success.” This beautiful gal is also very passionate about the environment, and is working hard to find ways to create more sustainable living habits, for herself and her family. Madison draws inspiration every day from her mom, who “embodies hard work and grit”, and her favorite quote is: “the message in the poem “Do not go gentle into that good night” by Dylan Thomas. I like the message that every person has to fight time and make the most out of their life!” After much careful deliberation, she will be calling the University of Florida her home, and also hopes to do some traveling. 

I couldn’t wait to hand these images over to Madison and her family, and hope they are as proud of her many accomplishments as I am!


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