Abby | Boone High School Senior

One of the first things I noticed about Abby when we met, was her striking eyes, and her bubbly personality. Self described as “feisty”, she is full of opinions, personality, and strength. I loved that she wasn’t afraid to speak her mind, and I think her stunning confidence comes through in these strong images. She is a senior at Boone High School, and had quite a litany of activities she was involved in there: Abby was the 2017 homecoming queen, was on the varsity cheer squad, and was part of the National Honor Society. Besides these honors, she was on the yearbook staff, was the Student Chairman of Kemosabe Closet, and was part of student government. Science is her favorite subject in school, and I can tell she truly values her friends and teachers who are at Boone. Somehow, she also was able to hold down a part time job at a tanning salon during the hustle and bustle of high school, and is very committed to her church youth group at the First Presbyterian Church of Orlando. I also enjoyed hearing about her favorite high school memory: beating Edgewater (a rival school) in a big football game! When she has a free afternoon, she says it’s usually devoted to bing watching her favorite shows on Netflix, or heading to the warm, sunny beach with her friends. I was also honored to have been her sister’s senior photographer as well, and I really love their family!

The adorable fairy lights were a prop Abby wanted to incorporate, and I was so excited to plan out how to do so. “I want my session to portray fun and excitement,” she explained before her session, “I’d love to take some in downtown Orlando.” Abby envisioned gardens and architectural details, as well as urban stylings, and we were able to utilize all of her inspiration and ideas. Her sense of fashion was so chic and classy, and she shared that some of her favorite items right now would have to be seventies-inspired platform shoes, and everything in the color red. Her next big adventure will be attending FSU, beginning in the summertime, and she dreams of an European trip someday in the future.

Meeting seniors like Abby is why I became a senior photographer in the first place; I joke that they keep me young, but really they keep me inspired, laughing, and filled with gratefulness that this is my job. It’s really my passion. I’d love to share more about my senior portraiture brand, if you have any questions!

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