I’ve spent the last two years working with Kenzie, who is part of my spokesmodel team. I can’t express how fun it’s been to really get acquainted with her big personality, and to witness all her talents flourish. I will truly miss seeing her on a frequent basis (and her mom), and I hope she doesn’t stay away too long after graduation! Kenzie is graduating from Hagerty High School, where she holds the office of the President of the National Technical Honor Society, is treasurer of the Beta Club, and an active member of the thespians! Besides her obviously academic achievements, she also has a part time job, volunteers at a local elementary school, and helps out at Tutus School of Dance. Speaking of dance, she manages to perfect her own skills at Tutus, dancing five days a week, and adding in classes at the Florida Film Academy. I don’t know how she manages to squeeze in additional hobbies and pursuits, but she has incredible time management, so she loves crafting, travel, and hiking.
Although some may consider her shy when they first meet her, Kenzie says her friends describe her as honest, and the “mom” of the group. I enjoyed her sense of humor, and her amazing style! One of her favorite trends is the oversized tops and clunky shoes (very nineties!), and she said her favorite item of clothing would have to be her star-patterned bell bottoms (which totally take me back!). She enjoys perusing Pinterest for new and intriguing trends, and can always find a great deal at Urban Outfitters.
After graduation, she will be attending the University of Tampa, something she’s dreamt of for quite some time. “Getting into my top school, The University of Tampa, is probably my biggest accomplishment because it is private and difficult to get into”, she adds, “I will be attending for their nursing program and the film program”. She plans to use her love for helping people to become a travel nurse or pediatric oncologist.
Kenzie, I will miss your bright smile and loving heart. I know you will do so much good for the people you want to help in the future, and I am so honored you were part of my team!