Connor | Winter Park High School Senior

Words are incredibly powerful things, and when you have the opportunity to use them to build someone’s character, it can be an amazing thing to witness the changing effect they have on a life. Connor is a man who has taken words seriously, and has a stellar character of his own! He’s graduated from Winter Park High School this year, and come fall he’s starting at Florida State University. In high school, he was awarded the Dr. Matthew Smith scholarship for his strong focus on character, along with playing as captain of the varsity lacrosse team. He seems like a natural born leader, and it looks great on him!

For Connor’s session, we went with a more laidback style, and our location was perfect for highlighting it. We loved the bright, colorful areas that served as a handsome backdrop to his own suave looks and deep blue eyes. We found some interesting textures with the doors and archways, and each provided their own mood for the session. It reminded me of the pictures I took of his older sister Haley, who’s actually attending Florida State as well! Family is important to Connor, and he loves the family trips they would take to North Carolina and enjoys the time he’s spent with those he loves dearly.

Connor is a counselor at a summer camp over in NC as well, and he takes his role as a leader in the lives of those children seriously. It’s wonderful to meet and photograph a man like Connor, who holds the things he values in high regard. We all need someone in our lives to come alongside us when things get hard, or to rejoice with when life is good. I’m sure that Connor is that kind of person, and with a character like his, I’m sure he’s a fantastic counselor and leader. Now, he and his family have a beautiful set of photos to commemorate this time where he steps out of high school into adulthood, and into all the things that come with it. To me, he’s well prepared for the challenge, and I can’t wait to see how many lives he changes. Congratulations, Connor!

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