Brianne | University of Florida Class of 2020

There’s something really special about getting to photograph college seniors. They’re on the brink of something, just like their high school counterparts, but they’re also more settled. More sure of themselves, filled with confidence and pride over their accomplishments, and eager to step into the next part of their lives. Getting to work with Brianne reminded me (as always) of what I love about these young people. She’s now a proud graduate of the University of Florida, Class of 2020. She was very involved in the UF marching band and concert band, and adds that the experience taught her a lot, “Marching season taught me about managing my time and studying more efficiently. I’ve also learned that having a strong support system in place helped me when I was faced with adversity in college. Her biggest accomplishment to date would be her college graduation (yay!), and she went on to say, “It felt like a long four years, and organic chemistry and calculus in particular were two classes that I was not sure I would get through! It was a relief to finally finish them.” 

Brianne shared something very special with me when I asked her who she looked up to most: “I look up to my older sister, Nicole. Although she passed away three years ago after a battle with cancer, she was the strongest person I have ever known. She managed to stay enrolled at UF while undergoing treatment, and managed to maintain a kind attitude, no matter how she felt”. I feel that Brianne and Nicole’s parents really instilled a sense of gratitude and love in both girls, and that was just so meaningful to hear. Although college has kept her very busy, Brianne manages to find some spare time periodically! She loves to read, and says, “I am basically always reading a new book. I also really love to travel, and my favorite trip to date was when I was able to study abroad in Madagascar in 2019. We saw a ton of different lemurs and chameleons and did a lot of hiking, and did outreach programs to bring books and toothbrushes to local orphanages.” Additionally, she loves to scuba dive, and was certified three years ago. 

Upon graduation, this beautiful girl earned her degree in psychology with an emphasis in behavioral and cognitive neuroscience. She hopes to become a genetic counselor in the future, which will require two more years of school. Right now, she is taking a gap year to earn some shadowing and work experience. I am so honored to have worked with her, and I wish her all the very best in life!

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