Tiffinie | Trinity Preparatory School

“If we wait until we’re ready, we will be waiting for the rest of our lives.” -Lemony Snicket 

Tiffinie is an amazing person. She’s passionate, caring, and pretty to boot! She’s graduating from Trinity Preparatory School, and she’s got her sights set on either Florida State University or Auburn University when the time comes. At school right now, you can find her cheerleading or playing lacrosse, in key club, or her biggest passion: coaching her special needs cheer team on the weekends. It was so wonderful to capture this caring, fun, and loving spirit in her senior session!

We wanted to focus on surrounding Tiffanie’s natural beauty with the natural beauty of the great outdoors, matching her lovely sense of style with the colorful flowers and deep greens of the park. She had her black scalloped romper on, and she flashed her gorgeous smile while we experimented with different colorful backdrops in the park. I loved the many pops of color available, and the luscious scent of the blooming flowers made it ever sweeter. I asked Tiffinie what she does in her spare time, and she said that she’s usually either writing, or hanging out with her friends. One of her favorite memories comes from being with her friends on a 2-week school trip in Australia! You can even find the handmade ring she got there in her session, which I’m sure is full of sweet memories.

We visited the wonderful architecture of Florida in the shoot, and paired it with a couple different outfits: her blue denim romper, and her lovely red ruffle top and her favorite ripped jeans. I love to see Tiffinie’s personality come out in her style, and to her that’s very important. She said, “You have to be yourself. That’s the only way that you can find your true friends, and know that you’ve really found them.” She’s got a point! I often find myself tempted to be how other people might want me to be, so I can fit in and be liked, but choosing to be yourself will let you make friends with people who love you for you.

We finished off the session in the sunset. While Tiffinie changed into her white floral shirt, I thought about how the sunset is a beautiful picture of how this chapter of Tiffinie’s life is coming to a close. Tiffinie’s favorite quote is the one at the top of the blog, from Lemony Snicket. She said, “It’s my favorite quote because I feel like it perfectly describes how I’m feeling going into my senior year. I feel like I’m not ready to graduate and be on my own, but like the quote says, if I wait until I feel ready, I’ll be waiting forever.” We celebrated Tiffinie’s graduation early with some sparklers, and captured some wonderful shots with the sun setting in the background, giving us some final bursts of color.

Congratulations Tiffinie! You are more ready than you think for adult life – in fact, I’d say you’re well ahead of some of us. Keep that loving, caring heart, and I know you’ll go everywhere you want to go!

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