Ethan | Lake Mary High School Senior

Great people make the world go ‘round, and Ethan’s making it look easy. He’s graduated in the class of 2018 from Lake Mary High School, and is already attending the University of Florida. He made his senior session into such a fun time, and we were able to easily capture his debonair personality in his photos. His parents are some of the sweetest people in the world, so it’s no wonder that Ethan and his sister are just like them. Because he’s one of my son’s best friends, I’ve had the privilege of getting to know his wonderful family, and it’s been a joy to spend time with them.

For Ethan’s session, we wanted to give it a classier and urban vibe, alongside taking some shots by the lake. No matter where we were, his style and his smile was the showcase, and the colors were perfect. His outgoing personality made for a fun day, and he quickly opened up to the camera. He’s done some part-time work at a smoothie store, which was the perfect place for his extroversion to shine, and loves to spend time with his friends. I love seeing that sort of passion for others in young people; so many have a focus on themselves, but Ethan seems to think of others before he thinks of himself. I hope that he’ll keep that sweet nature of his while he’s at university too!

The lighting in Ethan’s session was perfect, giving it a bright tone but retaining its own softness. The architectural feel to the locations played well with his masculine features, and the colors of nature out by the water turned a good location into a great picture. The world needs more sweet people like Ethan; just spending the little time I did with him and his family inspired me to be even kinder to others, and remember to always show that I care. It’s a wonderful trait that I hope everyone adopts!

Congratulations Ethan! I wish you all the best that life has to offer.

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