Reena | Lake Mary Preparatory School

Pride. That’s what Reena’s parents should have in their wonderful daughter. She’s graduating in 2018 from Lake Mary Prep. We both had a such great time in her session, and the photos that came out of it are proof! I loved the locations that Reena chose: the prettiest background colors to complement her own good looks, and the always perfect beach shoot rounded off the session, making the whole shoot a great success. We even had the chance to do a bit of night photography, and Reena was radiant in the last bits of sunlight.

She’s an outgoing girl, and an active part of multiple groups at Lake Mary Prep, a couple being Key club and Art club. She’s also the president of the Student Government Association and yearbook editor-in-chief, the latter being one of favorite subjects! In her spare time, you can find her volunteering around her community, or playing varsity volleyball, soccer, or lacrosse. She’s definitely an athlete, and remains stunningly elegant. Her jaw-dropping deep blue dress highlights this well, and her mother’s gorgeous traditional jewelry was just the thing to make the perfect shot.

Reena’s had some experience before with professional sessions: “The last time I had professional photos taken,” she said, “everything was rushed. This time around, I really wanted to have the whole experience, not to just pose and smile.” Unfortunately, that scenario is what a lot of people have happen to them, and it makes the photographers like me, who really value the experience, even harder to find. This time around, it was different for Reena: “Linda’s pictures looked so perfect and pretty,” she said, “and the makeup artist really sold me on the whole experience. It all was exactly what I wanted for my senior pictures!”

I’m so happy to have had the privilege of meeting and photographing Reena. Her passion and spirit made her so beautiful, radiating with joy from the inside out, and I know she’ll go far in the world. Good luck, Reena!




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