Choosing a photographer is something that you want to carefully consider. Ultimately, you want to find the right person who can help you feel supported and listened to…that’s something I try to do in my initial consults and as we walk together through the senior experience. This beautiful Lake Mary senior, Tara, is kind and thoughtful and I wanted to give her an experience that matched her outgoing spirit. She also shared that finding someone who makes time to get the right shots and locations was important to her. For her, downtown Orlando had the perfect vibe for the look that she was hoping for. Tara is working at a hair salon right now, where she is accruing hours towards her cosmetology license, and a editorial, stylish shoot was perfect for her style. Right now, she’s loving the 2000’s vibes, including the faux-leather bell-bottom styles she’s rocking in her session!
Tara loves fashion and beauty, and also enjoys hanging with her friends and playing with her dog. English was her best subject in school, and the high school football games are one of her most beloved memories, adding, “At the games, you can to hang out with your friends while making new ones. It is when the school all comes together!” In addition, she hopes to model one day, and explained, “I feel that modeling helps you feel good about yourself and can help your self-confidence. You meet amazing people in that industry and may find your bestest friends!” Her other future plans include living in New York and making plenty of travel plans.
If you’re looking for a photographer who can support you and make your session feel comfortable and fun, I hope you’ll consider me! I’ve love to chat with you about your upcoming senior shoot…just reach out today!