Miya | Oviedo High School Senior Photography

I was chatting with a friend recently who mentioned how hard it is to come up with positive adjectives about ourselves. Sure, we can think of all the things we wish we were better at, or things we don’t love about ourselves, but thinking of things we really treasure about our personalities can be harder than we think! It can even be seen as “prideful” to talk about oneself, but I believe it can be done with humility and confidence, and the sooner we accept and love ourselves, the better we can become. I always ask my seniors to describe themselves, and I love seeing what they come up with. Miya, this beautiful senior from Oviedo High School, says one thing she’s proud of is the leader she is becoming, and the excitement she brings to life. She is a little ball of energy, and it’s no surprise that she is as accomplished as she is beautiful. She is excelling at school, especially in math, and she manages to find time to do part time work on the side as a dog sitter. She also enjoys hanging out with her friends, and shopping at stores like American Eagle when she has spare time. 

A friend referred her to me, and when she saw my photos, she knew I was the right photographer for her. She was hoping for a fun experience, and a good selection of outdoor locations, and we were able to accomplish both. Miya also shared with me that she looks up to her parents as her biggest role models, and is proud of the fact that she has grown up with good morals and a sense of responsibility in today’s world. For outfits, she left a lot of the decisions up to our team, and I think they came out incredibly flattering and beautiful. If a senior or a client is struggling to figure out what to wear, or how to put together a polished, finished outfit, we can always help with the selection process. Just let us know when you book with us, and we can walk you through the steps. 

Congratulations, Miya, on your accomplishments! I know you are hoping to get a ton of traveling in after graduation, and I can’t wait to see pics!

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