“Just like moons and like suns, with the certainty of tides, just like hopes springing high, still I’ll rise”. -Maya Angelou
Have you heard of mental toughness? Overcoming obstacles in your life is something that creates this sort of resiliency. It makes you better able to tackle problems as they arise, and to persevere through challenges. The ideas is that people who can successfully endure a hardship become more able to tackle future challenges, thus cultivating “mental toughness”. Research also shows that mentally tough people are empathetic and want to help others because of what they’ve been through. When I think of mental toughness, I think of this beautiful girl. She is a true fighter who has had to conquer many health challenges over the last few years, and who continues to rally despite the obstacles she has dealt with. With the support of her community, family, and of course her adorable dog, she is truly an inspiration. Her upcoming graduation from Seminole High School is especially meaningful, and she has made the most of every moment.
She is graduating in the Class of 2021, and has worked hard at many pursuits, including the senior class council, the national honor society, and student leadership. She also devotes a lot of her time to charitable work, such as volunteering with the autoimmune registry, and tutoring young children at the Mellonville Civic Center, adding, “I love volunteering because I know I am making an impact on other people’s lives, and making their lives easier”. Besides her academia, she enjoys cooking, baking, listening to music, and reading a good book. “Senior year has been pretty fun despite everything going on”, she explained, “I am in leadership this year, and we have had a great time becoming closer and making memories together. I have really learned that no matter the circumstances, I am able to push through and make things happen.” Kelsi admires her mom for her ability to be kind, put others first, and yet always stand up for herself and what she believes in. I can definitely see her mother shining through this wonderful girl!
Kelsi will be attending the University of Florida in the fall, and is excited about the many options she will have for majors, and that they offer so many sports. She also plans to travel extensively, and cannot wait to find a job she loves! “What makes me feel alive is the idea that I have a whole life ahead of me”, she concludes, “I determine what I do and I can make memories and meet people that I love…that makes me so excited for the future. It’s what keeps me going through my last year of high school; that I have so much to look forward to that’s waiting for me in the future!”