Here at Linda Gorshein Photography, our clients are our top priority. With the COVID-19 pandemic hitting our state in the last few months, we wanted to share some ways that we are keeping our clients and team members safe during this time. We recognize that we serve clients of many differing political or personal views on the virus, and we ask that you view these policies as a safety measure and not a political statement. Please respect our procedures so that we can continue operating our business in a safe and legal manner. Here are some of our current guidelines:

-Outdoor locations only: We are only doing shoots at outdoor locations with good airflow to minimize contact in closed spaces. No indoor locations will be allowed at this time, and the outdoor ones will be selected where social distancing from the public will be available.
-Small groups only: Although we are doing limited mini sessions and group shoots, we are limiting the numbers of participants. Please do not bring additional persons to your group or friend shoot, so we can continue operating at a safe level. We will have to ask additional people who are not part of the shoot to leave the premises if we cannot maintain appropriate distancing or numbers.
-Mask wearing: I will be wearing a mask while shooting and interacting with clients, and distancing however possible. I will do as much directing of posing/styling from a 6 foot or further distance unless absolutely necessary. We recommend that clients bring a mask with them for their own comfort or safety, or for in between locations. Obviously, we do not require you to wear your mask while I am taking your photos.
-Sanitizing: We are sanitizing each and every piece of equipment between clients, in order to keep myself and the clients safe (even though the client is not touching my equipment). We will be hand-washing and hand-sanitizing as well. During any session reveals or handing over of products, we will ensure safe practices and sanitation. We will be unable to touch your personal items, such as phones, keys, or purses. Please try to leave all personal items in your car during your shoot to minimize items being touched or used.
-For your own safety, we recommend: booking shoots with people who are already in your “quarantine circle” (people you see regularly) to minimize sharing new germs. We also recommend not sharing a car or carpooling at this time. Please do not share any makeup products or things like hairbrushes or lotion with anyone during your shoot.
– If you or anyone in your home has had the following symptoms: fever, cough, sore throat, fatigue, please let us know immediately so we can reschedule your shoot. We understand there are many other reasons these symptoms can occur, but we want to minimize any risk to ourselves and others. If you or anyone you’ve had contact with has tested positive for COVID-19, please notify us immediately. If you or someone in your home tests positive within 14 days after your session, please contact us immediately.
Thank you for continuing to protect each other and the LGP team by abiding by these protocols. If you have questions or concerns about our procedures, please contact us!