Christine | Lake Highland Prep

“My dreams are my dress rehearsals for my future.” – David Copperfield

Senior year. The culmination of so many hopes and dreams. It’s crazy how fast that senior year flies by, and it seems even faster these days, with seniors being so busy. I’m always amazed when they come to have their senior photos done and I learn about all the things they are involved in; sports, theater, volunteer work, and many academic clubs. It’s impressive, and I’m always in awe of how they juggle it all. I know it will set them up to be quite successful later in life, and I always hope they can take a few moments to just breathe during such a hectic season. That’s why I am so passionate about the experience of senior photos, because for some, it’s a rare chance to reflect on the celebration and excitement of graduation. For seniors like Christine, there is much to reflect upon. 

This beautiful girl is a senior at Lake Highland Preparatory School, where she participates in the leadership and environmental clubs, as well as the Spanish Honor Society and the National Honor Society. Christine loves her physics class, and finds the work very interesting, and she also is on the cheerleading squad. I was so privileged to take her sister’s (Clare) senior portraits last year, as well, and am so proud of the strong young ladies they both are. In addition to her academic strengths, she enjoys playing the piano, painting and photography, and is highly gifted and creative. Lastly, her graduating class recently announced their ten Valedictorians for the Class of 2019, and Christine has made the list…what an accomplishment! I love the many locations we were able to enjoy together as we took these images, and I think the light is an extra-special touch….representing the radiant light within this grad!

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