Paige | Class of 2019

Usually each senior I photograph can be summed up in a word or two. I know a few words can’t fully capture a person (or I wouldn’t be blogging!), but I try to think of a word or two so that I have a focal point to the session. The words I would use to describe this amazing and talented young lady would be JOYFUL and AMAZING! Because that was my focal point, these photos are full of joy and life, and tons of laughter. Paige is going to be culminating her high school years with commencement this year, and is part of the mighty Class of 2019. She loves attending Oviedo High School, and is an active participant in student government, the National Honor Society, the Beta Club, and the Design Club. In addition to her leadership roles, she also has worked at the local Chick-fil-a and juice bar. When it comes to extra-curricular, her roster is just as impressive, including things like bike riding, attending games at her school, and being with her friends. Being under those Friday night lights is her favorite high school memory, and she adds that the biggest lesson she’s learned is how to be herself and not worry about other’s opinions (that’s a lesson I’m still learning as an adult!).

Paige came across my images on Instagram, and chose LGP because she wanted to show herself in a natural light, instead of something overly posed. I made that my aim, and chose bright, cheery locations that she could express her personality and her fashion sense. Shopping is another activity that she enjoys doing with her friends, and some of her favorite locales are Urban Outfitters and American Eagle. “My favorite fashion trend is high-waisted shorts, and I wear a lot of leggings. I also love rompers! I also knew I wanted urban locations for my senior shoot”, she explained. Besides fashion and friends, the thing that “makes her feel alive” would be traveling the world…one of her favorite adventures so far has been to Sydney, Australia, and Greenland and Dubai are next up on her list of places to see. Paige has selected four colleges as her hopefuls, but at the time of this blog, had not yet decided on her final destination. No matter where she ends up, I know she will be highly successful! She really applies herself to everything she does!


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