Lauren | Lake Mary High School

The Class of 2019 from Lake Mary High School is surpassing all my expectations! They are all so amazing, driven, and passionate, and just when I think I’ve seen every outstanding young person there is, I meet yet another. In Lauren’s case, I have known her for many years as our kids grew up in the same neighborhood, but it’s been my pleasure to watch her become an incredible young lady. She is smack-dab in the middle of a wonderful family, with two older sisters and a younger brother. I was so grateful to get to do her sisters’ senior photos as well. Lauren will be attending the University of Colorado -Boulder after her very anticipated graduation day.

Something I really loved about Lauren was the way she brought color into her senior shoot. In her senior wardrobe, she included not just one but two striped, multicolored tops. In some instances, this might seem like a lot of “print” but on this stunning brunette, it was just right. We chose some outdoor settings that matched her personality, and like many of my clients, she enjoyed some time out on the dock with the lovely light. I always encourage my clients to bring along outfits that they feel beautiful in. That might mean that your outfits don’t look the same as your friends, or aren’t even the perfect “trendy” pieces that everyone has. But the only one who matters is YOU, and the things you enjoy wearing. If you ever have questions about what will be most flattering or photogenic, please know that we can cover these concerns in your pre-session consult. You can find out more about that HERE!

Thank you, Lauren, for including me in this amazing step in your life!

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