Albi | Florida Senior Photography

The character of a man is his measure; and Albi is bursting with the best kind of characters! He’s graduating from Lake Mary Preparatory School, and has a bright future ahead of him. He’s already paying the way for his future: he’s on the debate team that currently ranks first in the nation, and he’s interning as an actuary and as a biology lab assistant. When he’s not working or debating, he’s spending time with his friends. Some of his favorite times have been weekends he’s spent on the beach with his friends, staying at his friend’s condo in Ormond. He was as joyful as he sounds in his session, and it was wonderful to spend time with him!

For Albi’s senior session, we drove over to Rollins College, which has been a great location for senior pictures for many past seniors. The stoic and cool tones of the architecture played well off of his own personality, which he describes as “kind and bubbly, but at the same time nerdy – I laugh at my own jokes!” It’s no wonder that he has such great friends that love to be around him. He wore some wonderful outfits; because Albi is often debating, he basically lives in a suit and tie, so we wanted to represent that in his senior photos. He’s not the biggest fan of being dressy all the time, so we captured the best of both worlds, utilizing the wonderful architecture of the college.

Speaking of debate, one of Albi’s favorite memories from his time in high school was winning to semi-finals at the Yale debate tournament – quite the feat! Not to be defeated though, his favorite vacation was going to Europe with his friend Parker – he hopes to return someday to travel all over Europe by bike, too! Albi doesn’t only love to work with his mind, he also likes to work with his hands; he lives on a farm, and loves taking care of his donkey and his goat. It’s wonderful to know a young man that works hard, and works well!

For his session, we wanted to focus on the lighting – he’s had bad photography experiences with lighting issues, so we wanted to ensure that the light was perfect in his session. That’s a great thing, because the light also serves to bring out his deeply blue eyes, which was a highlight of his session. Great lighting was the highlight of his friend Hanna’s pictures, which I took a while back. Hanna is one of Albi’s best friends, so it was natural for me to do his senior pictures, too! And each session turned out wonderful.

It was great to meet Albi, and to capture his bubbly and fighting spirit in his senior pictures. If the character of a man is truly his measure, then Albi really measures up well! 

If you’re interested in having your senior pictures done, don’t hesitate to contact me here.

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